Lockdown 2.0 & Cyber Attacks – #CatalystCovid

Since the start of lockdown 1.0, studies have shown a rise in the number of cyber security incidents, including ransomware attacks involving data leaks and phishing e-mails. The question you should ask is whether this is a result of hackers taking advantage of the disruption caused by the pandemic, or the lack of investment in security measures in general.

It is no secret that lockdown brought upon the UK, a situation that many, if not all, haven’t lived before. Working from home has meant that people had to use unfamiliar computer systems and adapt the best they could to keep up with the “new normal”.

As a result, research has shown that the proportion of attacks targeting home workers increased from 12% before lockdown 1.0 to more than 60%.

Popular attacks including malicious e-mail campaigns flooded UK businesses telling employees they could get furloughed if they signed up to specific websites.

Is there a lack of knowledge on the most common cyber security threats?

SAR Computing is working towards the launch of an e-learning platform that will provide cyber security awareness videos and certification.

Until the launch, visit the company pages on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for regular tips and updates on cyber security and IT solutions.

If you have any questions regarding staying safe while working from home, or if you need help in implementing security or IT measures for your office space, don’t hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help!