The Metaverse, explained further.

In the last couple of months, we have seen Facebook rebranding itself as “Meta”, and a metaverse real estate company buying land on a real estate platform for 2.43 million US Dollars, the highest amount spent so far for virtual real estate.

If you weren’t taking this topic too seriously before, surely now you must be thinking: “2.43 million? No Way?” … Well, Yes Way! The most trending topic of a couple of years has now hit another dimension, and if you’re still not sure what the metaverse is, we’ll recap it for you:
If we understand the internet experience as being two dimensional, meaning you browse the internet by scrolling through it on your screens, the metaverse will be three dimensional. You would be “walking” through the internet via Virtual-Reality headsets and devices.

The Metaverse is a next-generation version of the internet that will be rendered with VR or AR technologies. Mark Zuckerberg described the metaverse as a “successor” to the contemporary mobile internet we use. He says it will be a “platform for human leisure, labour, and existence at large”

In October 2021, Facebook announced that it has rebranded itself as Meta Platforms Inc. For marketing lovers, they will understand that this rebrand was carefully picked, ahead of other competitors, to capitalise on the inevitable future of internet connectivity. Facebook’s idea is to utilise the metaverse for people to hold meetings, attend workshops, study, socialise, play games, and do lots of other activities.

Ultimately, the metaverse isn’t one virtual world that belongs to one single company (yet); it must be developed. Microsoft is another major tech company trying to develop their own metaverse called “Mesh” – Keep an eye out for theirs, and maybe for another blog on this topic in the future!

If you have any questions regarding the metaverse, our blog, our if you’d like to speak to us regarding what we can offer your business, please contact us!